All papers must follow the Springer Template. Authors should consult Springer’s author guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or MSWord Here, for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their articles. In addition, the corresponding author of each accepted article, acting on behalf of all authors of that article, must complete and sign a Consent to Publish form, through which the copyright of their article is transferred to Springer.
The submission of publications will be done only through the EasyChair, platform, verifying that, for the blind review process, there are no data that allow the identification of the authors, such as: name, affiliation, e-mail, etc. The number of pages is a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 15 pages.
Once the work is approved for publication and oral presentation at AENIT, the final article will be requested to be updated in the EasyChair, platform, incorporating the corrections and identification data of the authors in Word format (doc,docx), additionally send a copy to